

veiled ecstasy
For the people who forgot to smile , and let their sadness to consume them whole,
for the people who gave up on happiness , aceepted a chapter of their book and aren't willing to turn it over💓

Can't we just be happy, no strings attached?
Who said we can't, who made that match?
Did someone decide it's a rare delight,
Or did we all just accept it, without a fight?

Let's break free from rules that keep us down,
And claim our right to smile, no need to frown.
In life's big picture, we paint our own art,
Happiness is ours, it's a simple start.
In the little things, happiness lies,
Yet often overlooked, beneath our skies.
If only we'd pause, take a moment to explore,
We'd find it abundant, waiting to soar.

In a sunbeam's warmth, a child's laughter bright,
In a gentle breeze, under starry night.
In a cup of tea shared with a friend so true,
In a quiet moment, just me and you.

It's in the flower's bloom, the bird's sweet song,
In the scent of rain after it's been too long.
In a handwritten note, a smile from a stranger,
In the simple joys, that pose no danger.

So let's open our eyes, and hearts wide too,
To the beauty around us, old and new.
For in the smallest moments, happiness thrives,
If only we'd let it in, in our everyday lives.
© _areesha