

Self Sedation
Inhaling deeply, feeling the warmth spread
A calming sensation washes over me
As THC slowly seeps into my bloodstream
I find myself drifting into a haze of tranquility

The worries that once plagued my mind
Fade away into the background
As I embrace the numbing effects
Of self-sedation on THC

The world around me becomes a blur
Colors seem brighter, sounds softer
I am lost in my own little bubble
Where time is of no consequence

My body feels light as a feather
My mind floats on a cloud of euphoria
An escape from the harsh realities
That weigh me down in everyday life

I find solace in this temporary reprieve
From the stresses and anxieties of existence
As I surrender to the soothing embrace
Of THC's gentle embrace

But even as I revel in this fleeting bliss
I am mindful of the consequences
For self-sedation is not a permanent solution
To the challenges that life presents

So I cherish these moments of respite
Knowing that they are but a fleeting escape
From the realities that await me
Once the THC's effects wear off

But for now, I allow myself to be engulfed
In the peaceful sanctuary of self-sedation
Letting the THC lull me into a state
Of blissful oblivion.

© Words Of Anthrax