

Wild Night
The sun had made its departure many hours ago,
A haze of alcohol and drugs flowed through my veins warming my blood,
Stumbling through the dingy halls of the apartment complex,
I found joy and revelry with friends long since having left my good graces,
It was then I met her,
A stranger in every sense of the word,
Though she had far more clarity than I,
We talked and laughed,
Acting as if we knew each other for a life time,
She understood me in a unique way,
Likely able to see the loneliness in my eyes,
The thinly veiled isolation consuming me,
Or perhaps she simply saw a way to pass the time,
Either way we spent the night together,
In throws of passion for hours,
It was, nice,
To be wanted if only for a night,
When we finished she did not leave,
Instead she stayed and held me,
And I cried,
For the first time in uears,
We never saw each other again after that,
Though there are days where I smile,
Remembering that Wilson night

© With clipped wings