

Wake Me
Pieces of yesterday invade my head..
Remembering all the things you said,
Did you really mean that you'd love me forever?
Or was it all a lie that you thought clever?
Because my heart's still yours, though severely broken
I meant every word that I had ever spoken
You were the light that always got me through
The most special soul that I ever knew
& I need you to know I wasn't ready for goodbye
If you won't come back, at least just tell me why.
For the pain of your absence is getting hard to bear
I feel so incomplete knowing you're not there
Please just wake me up, tell me it's not real
Take away the pain that I've been forced to feel
Tell me you love me, and that you will never go
Hold me in your arms and kiss me long and slow
I beg you, wake me from this awful nightmare
I'm fading fast and I can't go on, I swear
© Manda.Humphrey