

Why the reverse...?
I salvate
Without any memories hidden
We bumped into each other again
For a change I hoped our stories to differ
Like two lines parallel to every last one
Never meeting... to be rewritten

Despite the twisted fate I blame
I wish I had the belief to reclaim
Unlike the last time we saw, I smiled
Like two lines met and went on distant
Again, again and again

Hey guys...

As of late.. I am out of ideas on what kind of genre or on what kind of way shall I write my new poem in. My ideas doesn't come so often now as it used to.. so here I am trying to ask if there's a type of theme or genre in which you would like to read my poem.

I am down for collabs aswell.. tbh I really wanted one but I couldn't muster up. But neverthelessly.. please do suggest your opinions to me! Thank you for reading!!

© Charchita. C