

Taking Flight

Intoxication And delusion can go hand in hand
One comes after the other,
Or they can both stand on their own
But when you said what i was waiting for,
I had to sit down while talking to you over the phone

Words and actions can hold much weight,
But what do you do when words seemingly swoop you off your feet?
When it feels like you're flying through puffy white clouds
And the world feels so far below you, you can't even comprehend how far you are from the ground

Romance and infatuation can hide under delusion,
Picking apart the feelings, trying to see if it's all real.
Feeling the pure twinge of happiness and airiness when it's all revealed.

The come down is never easy,
Tempted to allow yourself to get swept into that stratospheric high again.
Looking up at the clouds, thinking about how it felt to fly, every now and then.

And when your face meets mine,
Illuminated by the orange light on the street,
The clouds come down to us,
Surrounding me in thoughts of awe and reverie


© Rynne