

Memorial Vote
My dad was a vet, fought in Nam
I say it proudly now, why not then
Prayed every day he was away
You know why but will not say

Hard to find any person anywhere
Who really wanted him over there
So, who then, who takes the blame
For calling heroes to question their fame

And for lives whose tribute we pay
The last Friday in the month of May
Let the price they paid give us pause
As we choose our nation's leaders because

They went and died though were scorned
By the ones they loved and not yet born
For winning all the battles but not the war
For dyeing though hated for the flag they wore

We honor them now, but then were apart
Did they have to die to pierce our hearts
So take our time and consider the score
Voting for leaders that know not war

We all owe a debt to the soldiers of Nam
So , fly a flag in their name, cause you can
Do what is right by those who serve
Army, Navy, Air Force, Reserve

Who had no parades or ticket tape
But called baby killers and accused of rape
We know better now to be so anew
Blaming heroes for the acts of a few

Thanks for your service is what we say
To anyone fighting for the USA
Thanks to Nam vets, we make sure
We honor anyone who could go to war

Memorial Day we honor the dead
So, vote in their honor, for they bled
Future freedom depends on the vote you make
For leaders who know what a Nam can create

To all that died to keep us free
This vote is for you, you paid the fee
For those that came back and are alone
Welcome Home! Welcome Home!