

Values and Scoundrels
Values, they are not like statues.
They can shift and change, but never sway.
Core values are strong, and not mediocre.
When they change for the wrong reason,
You must ask yourself, "what did I do"?

It used to be,
Years ago, or maybe three,
You chose a group who aligned with your values.
With others who feel and think the same as you.

Now, things have changed,
Morals and values, they seem astranged.
One chooses a party based on their popularity,
With others who follow and admire mediocrity.

To avoid being the odd one out,
Ridiculous and dangerous rhetoric, you will shout.
To not be perceived as weak or wrong,
You wield ignorance and consider it strong.

To shift your values in not generally bad,
But when it's for political gain, it's rather sad.
These changes in values are not ironclad,
In ten years, being true to you, you'll wish you had