

Most terrifying feeling~losing us

Love hurts && your heart will shed tears..Feeling like you'll give anything to feel that safe, happy feeling again.......You see it physically disappearing......Slipping ~ losing your grip of everything you worked years to have..Years to get.......All the memories && adventures you two created...All the laughs && tears......&& all the exciting and terrifying moments that come along with that........Your watching it disappear and sad, you'll never be getting it back.......
Because this time you promised yourself, that's not a road your going back down again......To be able to be apart from me~so easily~ just means your not the man I want or need to have.........To handle and love someone such as myself....you need to be the kind of a man you were in the beginning......Tough but extra sweet when it came to me.........I need a man that CANT stand the thought of leaving my side....Not Switching up as much as he has in that few months of our lives...... Someone who is in it for life....no breaks and in-betweens.....
.... That's not for me....Hell no that's not for me.......This is what you told...