

Science As Infancy
Science, in infancy, explains the World, all we can see, Science, in infancy, we are here for Eternity, what is that, do we see, for God is all, and all in Grace, He does rule this place, with feminine side, is God your female side, He has all covered blithe, accepting of His female side, you are him, he is blithe, for God is all, energy, all is energy, God's personality, is in pure preservation, we can see, Love, Acceptance, Happy, lea, and as God is here, with us, thick or thin, horror he does see, please follow, His Word, do see, how to find happy lea, Science, in infancy, God understanding, for all to see, how is all, we do see, dark and light, matter the, Science is energy, for God in personality,wants preservation, for all do see, He preserves, wants best for the, otherwise tis devil and satan, dude, for they pretend to be God, as is their energy, dark as much there's two sides, dark and light energy, follow the Light in the force, the dark side is dark of course, physics cannot be denied, in God does cry, in here belyed, He apologies in here do grace, for destruction the horror, we do blase, why, cannot be denied, God in horror, physics cannot be denied, this is new, this is fresh, physics cannot be denied do bleth, Gods tears roll on still, Be Good My People, God does say , for I can protect your blay, In horror I see this World, please be good, Karma furled, for I am thee, only one, personality, you do Blum, I love you all so much, for I am thee, and you are such. God Is Great And True. James.
© James Alexander