

Am I Wrong
Am I wrong?
for being this girl

Am I wrong?
for falling head over heels for you

Am I wrong?
for letting you in my life

Am I wrong?
for allowing you to break my walls for letting sunshine to come

Am I wrong?
for teaching me love is both equal and opposite reaction

Am I wrong?
that you being my happy pill in my life

Am I wrong?
for changing me from introvert to extrovert once again

Am I wrong?
for proving me real men exist who do anything to keep his woman happy

Am I wrong?
for admiring you

Am I wrong?
to shower you with all my love to an extent one day i would feel empty inside

Am I wrong?
to be obsessed with your masculinity

Am I wrong?
to enjoy the purest form of love that you shower on me every day

Am I wrong ?
that i saw you lately in my life

Am I wrong ?
that being with you makes me feel safest

Am I wrong?
that your voice clams the chaos in my head and makes my skin feel more like a skin

Am I wrong ?
there are nights when i cry myself to sleep yet next day all that matters to me is your happiness

Am I wrong?
to teach me that being authentic is the best thing you can do it yourself

Am I wrong?
that my thoughts are invaded by you

Am I wrong
for allowing you to
lighten my sky
which were doomed by darkness

Am I wrong
for allowing this to happen despite knowing that i am your little secret

Am I wrong?
for loving another girl's man unconditionally !!!!!

Am I or Am I not
but i know one thing for sure all that makes me you happy will break you into pieces so that one day you will unbreakable - Irony of life