

Shadows Of The Future

The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way for happiness.
Opportunities come and go,
Some doors gets opened and some gets shut,
Nothing in this life is permanent,
Tomorrow can be better than today,
So never surrender to failure.

Chances are given and choices are made,
Challenges are there but not to break you,
Take the chances,
Make the choices without fear of failure,
Take up the challenges and make it worthwhile.
For every journey is taken a step at a time.

Never give room to discrimination,
Face everyday's battle with a smile,
Create room for hope,
For there is an end to every tunnel,
And a light that rallies for success.
Stay positive and create positivity to others,
For no one can create your future for you except yourself.
© Henrietta Otu