

The Girl At The Coffee Shop☕
It was a normal day at the coffee shop
I was sitting at my usual seat
Then I saw her and my heart skipped a beat
Except her nothing i could see
And there was nothing else that i could feel
The most beautiful thing i ever saw was her smile
Her eyes were so deep that it could take me across a long mile

Her eyes were searching for something on the ground
Then I saw her pink handkerchief lying around
I went to her & took a chance to help her
And that was the first time i had a talk with her
She gave me a smile which was worth more than a million dollar

The meeting was Enchanting
And to be with her was way more Exciting
I was about to propose to her
Then my world was really shattered by one thing
That it was just a dream

The waitress helped her and took my chance
Which left me with a sad face and a broken heart
I sat & just wondered
If only she knew how much she means to me

I heard her soft voice for the first time
When she called the waitress at that time
Her life so magical so full of grace
That she didn't have any regret on her face
She was full of life
I really wanted her to be mine
With so much of care
She stepped on her wheelchair

As she was going out the door
Her wheelchair got stuck
I thought here is my luck
I gave her my hand
I told her that forever by her side I'll stand

Now She is my beautiful wife
& The one without whom i can't imagine my life
It was the best day of my life at that Coffee Shop
I can't forget that day
Not even when my life is stopped
© Nandani Mishra