

Nature's Call
Oh, for how long the nature is calling!
is it since forever? or Does it just want to plead for it's life?

The lakes and rivers, the water, looks so unpure and dull, as if it had lost all the hope to be ever be like itself again. pure, clean and fresh.
For How long does the water suffers?
Doesn't it ever calls for help?

Oh, How sad the condition is of animals!
and what nuisance creatures they are!
Always whimpering, Always crying.
Can't they ever be quiet? Or is it their call?

What the Air is telling us?
Always changing directions...
Always carrying dust and Impure particles.
Always causing havoc.
what does it want?

And Oh, how gross this food is!
eating this bread forever!
or is it called as pijja? or was it pizza?
but where is the real food?
the vegetables, coconut and That big watermelon!

or was it the other fruits that are being forgotten?
well, how does it matter?

Nature is calling for your help!

Got time to buid new buildings?
What about planting trees?The one gives you money and "rent" But the other gives you life, fruits, Security...

So why a human chooses the less profitable option? Is it because a Building takes less time to build than plants?

or are the results and rewards are just instant?

oh, where are the humans here? If there is left any, then do remember...

Nature calls for your help!!

© sabera unissa