

Mental Health Awareness
Flashbacks taking control,
Anxiety taking over,
Seeking peace,
Searching for my signature smile,
That I am known to beautifully have.

Turning to be a stranger to my own self,
" I should have done this"
" I wasted so much time"
" I can't do this"
I can, can I?

Drifting away from my original self,
Who am I?
What is to become of me?
Trying by all means to take control,
With every effort turning to be a failure..

Seeing people smiling and happy,
Which is what I've always longed for,
How do I smile?
What makes me happy?

Every detail completing me all forgotten,
Every detail completing me all erased,
Erased by the traumas of this cruel world,
With my mental well-being being at stake,
Again and again,
I try all over again.

Repeatedly so,
I still fail,
Will I ever recall my smile,
What happened to the person I was?
Dear past,
Bring back the past me.
© Thato Mangwegape