

Through Your Eyes I Met Your Soul
In the gaze that lingered,
I found a universe unfolding,
Reflections of dreams and fears,
Dancing in the depths of your eyes.

Through the windows of your soul,
I saw the stories untold,
Whispers of joy and sorrow,
Painted in shades of vulnerability.

Each glance a chapter,
Each blink a pause,
In this silent dialogue,
Our souls embraced and understood.

Through your eyes I wandered,
Exploring the landscape of your being,
Lost in the maze of emotions,
Guided by the light of connection.

In the mirror of your gaze,
I saw myself reflected,
Boundless and free,
Entwined with the essence of you.

Through your eyes I met your soul,
And in that meeting,
I found a piece of myself,
Forever intertwined with yours.
© Simrans