

"Pain's Silent Scream"

In the depths of my soul, a whisper resides
A gentle echo that pain abides
A heavy heart, a burden to bear
A weight that presses, beyond repair

Like a stormy sea, it crashes and roars
Waves of anguish, that pierce and score
A tender touch, that sets it aflame
A burning fire, that refuses to wane

In the darkness, it lurks and hides
A shadowy figure, that silently abides
A patient hunter, that waits for its prey
A merciless force, that strikes without delay

Yet, in its depths, a strange beauty lies
A resilience born, of tear-stained eyes
A strength forged, in the fire's burning core
A heart that beats, with a deeper score

For pain is a teacher, that guides us through
A harsh mentor, that shows us anew
The value of joy, the beauty of peace
The preciousness of life, in pain's release

So let it wash over, like a wave on the shore
And may its lessons, forever leave their mark once more.
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