

Story Teller's Palace - Mar. 23rd, 2008
Whisper softly for fire is a silent listener.
Whose hair is raging rebellious red and orange eyes gloriously glowing.
Becalm your fears of furious flames.
They dance only this brightly for the telling.
Dancing in the purest joy.
We live only once as far as I know.
So I sincerely hope that you are listening close.

My mind is a story teller's palace.
My thoughts the pages of burning books.
These eyes read the boldly glowing reddish words of my life and remember.
Who I was and what I've done.
The hearts that I greedily took and broke to pieces.
The lives I desperately took to try to put those pieces back together.
The love I've felt, the lies I've told.

All of this exists erratically within me.
I am a book, a sad sadistic story.
For every wrong deed that I've done.
I am terribly, truly, and deeply sorry.
I am a turbulent tall tale.
A fable, a fantastic fabrication.
A mysterious melodramatic myth.

Be sure to stand at a safe distance from the telling.
For my hair is fire red and my orange eyes are gloriously glowing.
I'm a life changing book with an extremely ugly cover.
By which I'm most often judged,
never usually bothered with.
Never bothered tot be read.
I am fire gloriously glowing,
a fast paced page turner that you can't put down.
My mind is a manic story teller's palace.
Just remember to whisper softly while traversing my halls,
for they echo unjustly.

© Josh Selby