

The Winner
Purchased a lottery ticket
Winnings were very high
Used my lucky numbers
Two bucks, gave it a try

Put it in my billfold
Remembering to later check
If I had won millions
To pay all my debts

Much would be left over
A concern left to ponder
Should one be thoughtful
Letting my mind wander

Could be a silent giver
Keeping my name cloked
Or keep it all to myself
Careful not to provoke

Listing my buying wants
Dreaming of life unmatched
Listing the fortunate few
To give much, no strings attached

Perhaps surprise them from afar
Or visit as nothing transpired
Then unveil dreams fulfilled
From the fortune once acquired

What a time it would be
No worries about moneys
Life would be great
Life, sweet as golden honey

The drawing, two days hence
Ticket in the same place
What a warm feeling
A life of comfort and taste

God grant me this prize
Only if your will
Send wisdom with treasure
And make life all downhill

One day left, my son appeared
My best blood relation
Teary eyed, he conveyed
His terrible situation

I could die, dad
If testing holds true
I don't want to die
Dad, what should I do?

Comforting by son
Absent what to feel
Praying to God my fears
Can my son escape this ordeal?

Then it came to me
No riches or gold
Would change his fate
This test would behold

Now, thinking of nothing else
My son's fate so dire
God, what can I do
To escape his quagmire

Suddenly, riches not so great
Giving all to test untrue
Nothing else mattered
I knew what to do

God, keep me debted
All of my days
Poor as a church mouse
To escape this malaise

Day of the drawing
Son's test as well
Hope me a loser
If win, would repel

Son came in smiling
All is so good
No lottery winner
A win for fatherhood