

Do or Die
**Trigger Warning**SUICIDE**Trigger Warning**
Author's note: This poem is written from the perspective of a person about to jump off a building and commit suicide.

I'm looking over the edge down at the pavement below.
For all the people happily walking, it's too late for them to know.
I'm about to make a jump and fall face to the ground.
My death might make the front page story of another suicidal tragedy found.

There's too much on my mind and I really don't want to be here.
The dream to die and go somewhere else.
What's the point of living on further?
It's like they say, "Do or die." Right?

Pedestrians are yelling at me to stop, but I barely hear their cries.
Another step forward towards the edge becomes a short-lived goodbye.
Furthermore, I am so nervous concerning my decision.
"Will they catch me when I've fallen?" I ask myself this question.

I decide to take a death wish chance and confidently walk off the edge.
Deep down I hope someone brave will save my life.
"Was it worth the mental ache, struggle and strife?"
I made the mistake of dying and ultimately lost.

© urbanbearink