


In shadows deep, where
innocence fades, a tale
untold, where darkness
pervades, I gather words,
with heavy heart, to shed
light on wounds, torn apart.

A child, so tender, age barely
attained the begin of the
double digit ensnared in a
world, where monsters begin,
A tragic dance, a cruel design,
Where purity shattered, by
hands malign.

Oh, the pain that lingers, those
memories of probing hands in
the erie, flashes of several heavy
hands holding down a body so
small, searing and raw, a soul
violated, gripped by shadows'
claw, yet amidst the anguish,
a spirit survives, seeking
solace, where hope oft derives.

In whispered echoes, secrets
tightly kept, a wounded heart,
in silence wept, but hear me
now, princess of war, you are
worthy dear child of yore, let
go of the fear, the hurt, your
voice, unbroken, forevermore.

To those who hurt the budding
soul, such tenderness, to you
who caused such harm,
unleashing darkness, inflicting
harm, pains unspeakable; know
that your power, it shall not hold,
for strength and resilience shall

And to those souls who've borne
this weight, know you're not
defined by that cruel fate, you
can't change the past. You don't
have the power to give strength
to your little body in the times

Know, you are a warrior, fierce
and strong, standing straight
and tall, turning agony into a
resilient song. Put your mind
In to your body of old days past,
forgive your kindred body, it had
no blame.

You are a phenomenon, let
empathy rise from within, a
healing tide, together we stand,
side by side, In unity's embrace,
we'll strive to heal, the wounds
of the days past, with love's
gentle zeal.

For through compassion
and understanding's grace,
We shall reclaim dignity, find
our rightful place, and in the
depths of darkness, a flickering
light, a beacon of hope, forever
burning bright.

May these spoken words serve as
a testament, a plea, to end such
horrors, and set all hearts free,
For every voice that speaks, a
spark ignites, and with words
as swords, we fight the hands
in the dark.

©Ibadi'aran Omo Akinde

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