

In the depths of our souls, a darkness resides
A hatred that simmers, waiting to rise
In the face of differences, we turn away
Refusing to see the humanity in each other
Instead, we build walls and nurture our spite
But why do we hate each other, can we not unite?

Is it fear that drives us to hate and divide?
Or perhaps it's a sense of wounded pride
We cling to our prejudices, refusing to see the other side
Blinded by anger that refuses to subside
We hold onto grudges, nurturing our spite
But deep down, we know we are all brothers

Yet still, we find reasons to push away
To ignore the similarities that make us sway
We focus on the differences, allowing hate to take
Root in our hearts, until it becomes too late
To bridge the gap that divides us in our spite
And see the humanity in each other

But what if we could learn to see each other
Through eyes that are free from hate and fear?
To let go of old grudges and banish spite
And instead, choose to come together and unite
To find common ground before it's too late
And break down the walls that keep us divided

It's time to confront the truth that we are all each other
Bound together by our shared humanity
And to let go of the fear that feeds our hate
Embracing our differences as what makes us great
For only then can we truly unite
And banish the darkness of our spite

So let us strive to see each other
As equals, with love instead of hate
To overcome the differences that divide us
And unite as one in our shared humanity
For in the end, it is our choice whether to foster spite
Or embrace the light before it's too late

Let us cast aside our differences and unite
To see the beauty in each other and banish spite
For in the end, it is only through love that we can truly break the chains of hate.