

7 days (Genesis)
1st day of seven days
He made light
So there was day and night

2nd day of seven days
He made the skies and divided the water above and under

3rd day of seven days
He made the land and sea
So there were trees and grasses

4th day of seven days
He made the sun and moon
So the sun ruled the day and the moon ruled the night with the stars

5th day of seven days
He made the fishes of the sea and birds of the air
So the sea and the air was filled

6th day of seven days
He made the beasts of the earth and the reptiles
And all that creeps

6th day of seven days
He saw that all he did was good
Then he made me in his image after his likeness
And said rule over the sea and earth
And over everything that lives under the skies

7th day of seven days; all was done
He made all creation
He gave life and dominion

7th day he blessed and rested from his work

Genesis 1& 2