

I Am Enough
I am not what happened to me,
Not the trauma that tried to define me.
I am the strength that rose from the ashes,
The hope that refused to be diminished.

I am not my mistakes or my pain,
Not the doubts that once drove me insane.
I am the wisdom that came with learning,
The resilience that kept me from burning.

I am not the sum of my flaws,
Not the labels that society draws.
I am the beauty that comes from within,
The light that shines even in the darkest of din.

I know my worth and I own my story,
I am the author of my own glory.
I have made it through the storm and rain,
And now I bask in the sunshine of my own gain.

Standing tall and undeterred,
I draw strength from my intrinsic worth,
Needing no external affirmation,
1 am enough

© RebekahRainnPoetry
