

They'll never understand. (Not a poem)
She likes every smart man, doesn't really care about his personality. Maybe she does, but her brain doesn't. All it sees is the smartness the man exhibits. Once he is smart, the brain believes it's enough. I don't need any other characteristic it says...
She knows this is wrong and she can't keep on liking every smart man she sees. It doesn't work that way, her brain doesn't see it. As long as he's smart the brain keeps chanting.
What if he's egoistic? She asks... As long as he's smart, that should be fine the brain replies. What if he's mean? She asks. As long as he's capable of holding deep conversation her brain replies.
What if.... No what if's her brain cuts off. In fact, we'll take this a notch higher... You wouldn't only like them, you'll develop sexual feelings for them it says.. isn't that a little too much? She asked with shock. No, it's not and you'll be turned off by the littlest grammatical error a man makes.

Nothing would make you like him anymore... But... The only quality you'll need In a man is his smartness. You wouldn't be turned on by any other thing except his intellectuality. So, I wouldn't be turned on by little things like hugs and neck kisses? No, you wouldn't... You would be turned on when he's engaging you in a smart conversation it replied. I don't want that, she says.

You have no choice brain replies and since then, she's liked countless men who proved how intellectual they could be. It wasn't her decision, it was the brain's and there's nothing she can do about it.
Her life goes on this way.