

I love you, more than words can describe. I feel immense emotions all towards you. Some days good, some days bad. In the end, all I do is for you. That is how I want it to be. You and I against everything. Given the circumstances, I understand why you want us to no longer be. I should have been better. I should have used my head. It hurts to think that I was not the person I can be. You are not evil like everyone else says. You are kind hearted and would do anything and anything for me, even now. I know that. I just hope that things can change, that we can be. We can be the best for eachother, and I know deep down you feel that way too. I also know that you feel this may not be the best for you. I am not angry at you. I am angry at myself for allowing things to get to the point that they have. However every word I have spoken to you, I mean it. Yes, this all hurts. But don't mind me. I will not hold a grudge against you. I know I am not the easiest to deal with- and my family is no help. Everything has gotten to a peak, and that peak is so high we may have never found our way down. It hurts, but don't mind me. I love you now and I will continue to do so even if you do not feel the same. I do not blame you. I would do the same. I do wish that whatever it comes down to; you are happy in the end, forevermore.