

.this one's more for me then anyone else.

They say a man should be strong enough to stand on his own tomb.
Well sometimes I got bum knees I've struggled for most of my life.

and trust me When you struggle it's hard to tell wrong from right.
many times I've been sent packing with bags of moldy clothes crashing at strangers homes. at 15 I nearly overdosed the fuck up part is nobody knows
if you skip a couple of bad years down the road.

I'm 17 and life was starting to feel amazing I mean truly changing I met girl that i loved more then the world. that was until somone laced me that acid changed me. started hanging out with the gang scene

im 18 now i decided to put my guns down tho most of my friends are dead witch left me a bit sick in the head so I became a bit of a toxic individual exposing private fears in public places taking out my pain in most relationships.

That brings us to right now im 21 I know life was hard but I didn't understand what they meant by "growing pains" until I became of age. my dad's walking in chains I hate hotels because the sheets have that fuckin intake smell.

I'm not giving up and I haven't had enough people say that they pray for better days and I'm OK with feeling but fuck I am tired of what they call "healing".

I do belive in God but sometimes my life's like a casino I don't always like the hand the dealers dealing.

© shrouded/Robert.Deane