

keep pushing up
a battle is raging in some of our hearts.... you know that it's coming by the way that it starts...it's always depressing and never feels right...it never gives time to prepare for the fight..the strong ones can bounce right up off of the floor ....but if your like me battles turn into war....with a one sided enemy hell bent on winning....I drown in my own blood as they sit there grinning....the ways that I've been killed tho different each time...always leave me searching for reason or rhyme...because I know as a person to others I'm fair....and I'd much rather give things most people don't share...it's sad how it ends for me I guess it's all true....the things that my demon says he's gonna do..I've been to get help and learned new ways to cope...but the battle has me at the end of my rope.... it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact...that for me anymore they have been back to back... where once I lived happily my heart safe and sound....not having to fight for the love that I found... I knew it was there and I had peace of mind that werever I went love was not far behind... but it's been two years now scince I've lost my friend... and science then lost each battle when they reach the end....now I'll lower my shoulder and raise my sword high and lead my heart into battle now ready to die ....my strength sends a message when they see me stand tall ...and I'll keep pushing up even after I fall...
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