

My Journey in College So Far
I don't fit in,
Like a puzzle piece out on the wrong end,
I try to force myself into groups that I'm not comfortable in.

In school I tried the writing groups,
Where words were to set us free from the burdens left inside.

I tried journalism,
Studied the fact of how everyone hated what one had to say.
I sat there in the corner of the room,
All looked almost business like or fresh out of a skateboard rink,
Where I looked like I belonged in a gym.

Tried but even there I don't fit in.

I tried creative writing,
Fit a little better there but still not right.
Professor Wasn't the best person to cross my path,
Things were made at times unbearable.

People there,
Looked and stared,
Quiet but still oh so loud.
Friend making wasn't aloud outside the double doors,
So there I sat with people not so different from me.
But still felt lonely,
You see?

I tried a different approach,
Making sure all classes were covered,
So off I went to another world,
Physics was just not for me.

I tried though,
I can say that.
Each assignment poured into the next,
And yet I couldn't understand a thing he said.

I took the notes,
I read the books,
I redid the lessons.
But even there my word wasn't wanted.

Too difficult it seemed,
Words flooding from my head,
I walked off instead.

Dropped out feeling like a coward,
But looked at the journey from a different light.

I looked and I believed to have found it.
A world I believed I wanted nothing to do with.
I found the island of mentality,
The questions and wonder over came me.

I'm taking every class,
Taking every note,
Learning left and right of causes and what won't.
The hippocampus is a wonder to me.
Still I'm learning,
No complaints to be seen.

I believe it is here I will stay,
Maybe making a difference in a nother way.
Finding me on this journey,
You see?