


A tiny soul, so fresh and new
Enters the world, with a cry or two
Innocent eyes, and a heart so pure
A life begins, with a journey to ensure

Infancy's wonder, and childhood's glee
A world of discovery, for all to see
Toddling steps, and a curious stride
Learning and growing, with each passing tide

Youth's awakening, with dreams and desires
Passions and pursuits, that set the heart on fires
Adulthood's responsibilities, and love's sweet refrain
A life of purpose, with joys and pains

Middle age's reflection, on paths chosen and worn
A time for wisdom, and a life well-born
Elder years' serenity, with a heart full of cheer
A life well-lived, with memories to hold dear

And then the twilight, with a final goodbye
A life well-loved, with a legacy to the sky
A soul returns, to the heavens above
A new life's journey, in a labor of love.

© Gifted hands