

The golden light
In a world filled with darkness and strife
Where brother hates brother, and love is but a life
We search for a cure, a remedy to our pain
But often forget, the love that remains

Like the Israelites, who wandered in the night
We search for a beacon, a guiding light
A golden glow, that shines so bright and true
To lead us out of darkness, and into the promise anew

But alas, we often forget, the source of the light
The love that shines bright, in the darkness of night
We seek the cure, but neglect the way
The love that forgives, and chases the hate away

Like the Prodigal Son, we run from the Father's embrace
And seek solace in the darkness, and the empty space
But the Father's love, is the golden light that shines
A love that welcomes us back, and heals our broken lines

Let us seek the love, that is the golden light
The love that forgives, and makes our hearts take flight
For in its warm embrace, we find the cure to our pain
And the love that shines bright, will forever remain.