

Someday we will meet
He told me to find him on 60th street
Where the spiral roads converge and meet
Instructed me to come alone without any friend
I should give him a chance to make amends

I went to meet him with an open mind
His old letters in my hand entwined
It's been years of decades we haven't met
Neither heard voices which we once had felt

Just a promise note before our lives diverged
To meet at 60 when we felt free not scourged
The flutter in my heart to see him again
And see what fate brings us to gain

Will he be able to recognise the wrinkly me
Will he be able to feel the same love for me
As I walked through the end of 60th road
A hazy vision of a younger him stood before

I felt confused with the chill in air
With urn in his hand, I felt despair
He waived at me and whispered my name
I smiled with tears as I confirmed the same

He gave me a letter which said the words -
I wish I was here on 60th street
I have waited so much for this visual treat
But twist of fate had another bend
My life it seems is coming to an end

I will forever be fifty-nine
I couldn't hold strong what was mine

I hope someday when we meet
In heaven or on this 60th street
I promise I shall never let you go.

© Rreena Sharma