

Is that all it was?
were we not clear?
we were just apprentices,
nothing more; nothing less
all we did was exchange names,
call it a business if you must.
apprenticeship soon developed into companionship,
the art of helping and being helped,
laughing at our strange sense of humour,
which no one understood, but us.
companionship then bloomed into something else, something enchanting, something so beautiful,
words wouldn't do it justice.
it was only us when our eyes met,
nothing else mattered.
little touches, soft glances every now and then,
it was euphoric.
what did I do that wasn't enough?
what makes you say, we were companions at most?
is it the fact that our love is forbidden, or is it the fact that I'm just not good enough?
or was I just too blinded by a spell, too good to be true?

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