

SECTION 377 : change in society
Let's make change in society
let's teach our youngers about us,
let's spell out to parents about us,
let's share this knowledge to world,
let's be together and be proud.

In `Pride' let's be proud,
let's proud of being lesbian , gay,
let the word know about us,
even world will support us one day,
until that day we can wait.

If anyone is straight then,
that's there orientation ,as it is,
if we are lesbian , gay , transgender , queers , intersex , asexual
then it's our sexual orientation,
we should be accepted.

look at the law , even they accepted us,
then why can't you , we are your own,
it's not a phase or disease , it's we ,
Our orientation can't be change,
but your mindset can be changed,
so let's together make a new change in society,