

I'll love you forever my stranger
We don't talk like we used to, we don't laugh like we used to. You feel so cold that I have to tightly close my eyes, so I won't become as cold hearted as you as I try not to look at you . You're growing apart from me, we went to best friends for life to complete strangers. I know everything about you, yet we walk through the halls passing each other pretending we don't even know each other exist. It gets hard because when I see you I say" I know everything about her-" but I have to stop myself because you left me. We never FaceTime, we never text. If you don't want to be my friend just tell me before it goes further down the bridges of our future. I'm falling over your lies, I'm filling my head with these overthinking thoughts that you actually once cared for me. Now I know you never did, because if you'd, you'd still be near me, holding me every chance you got as I balled my eyes out into your arms, my eyes would flood with all these emotions like an upset ocean that's been disturbed from its peace. Forever I love you, but forever we are strangers
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