

*I Still Go Back to You*

I still go back to you,
To our faded conversations,
And mourn the old you.
I still knock on your door,
Though I know...
It's a ghost I seek.

It's not the same anymore,
A hollow echo of what was.
I ache for you every now and then,
And grieve the old you.

I return to you,
Hoping against hope,
To find a fragment
Of the lost you and me.

But your silence meets me,
An empty, cold embrace.
The warmth we shared is gone,
Replaced by shadows and space.

I wander through memories,
Each one a sharper pain.
The laughter has faded,
Leaving only rain.

I whisper your name,
But the echo feels wrong.
The person I miss
Is forever gone.

And though I still come back,
To our ghostly remains,
I know deep inside,
Nothing ever truly stays.

© soulink