

my number one
My best friend always is there,
A constant presence, beyond compare.
Through thick and thin, she stands by my side,
In joy and sorrow, she'll never hide.

her love unfailing, like the rising sun,
Guiding me gently when my journey's begun.
In times of darkness, she brings me light,
A beacon of hope, shining so bright.

she listens without judgment, a comforting ear,
Absorbing my worries, my doubt, my fear.
No matter the distance, she's always near,
her support and understanding, crystal clear.

Through laughter and tears, we share our stories,
Creating memories, woven in all their glories.
she celebrates my victories, big and small,
And catch me whenever I stumble and fall.

My best friend always is there,
A bond so precious, so rare.
With her, I find solace and peace,
A sanctuary where my soul finds release.

In this chaotic world, she is my anchor,
A lifeline that keeps me from drifting farther.
For in her presence, I am truly free,
A cherished friendship, eternally.

My best friend always is there,
A blessing beyond compare.
Through life's twists and turns, we endure,
Forever connected, our friendship secure.
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