

Divine Feminine
In shadows deep Divine Feminine awakens empowered without defeat...

Divine Feminine where self love is all that matters leaving those who should have done better...

A sacred flame burning brightly with ancient wisdom that's what sets us apart...

I can read your mind know your true intentions gifts from the Divine...

Been to hell and back my armour killed the pain breaking that chain...

The embodiment of creation's song
a reflection of eternity written in the stars...

She walks with grace her spirit untamed an embodiment of strength never to be restrained...

Her voice echoes like thunder bold and clear a symphony of power dispelling all fear...

She dances with the winds a wild and sacred dance warrior of light taking flight...

Divine Feminine the weaver of dreams the architect of change rising from ashes as she detaches...

Divine Femininen sacred and wise we honor your spirit pure and free in every woman your essence thrives...


© darkfeminine111