

The binge is no longer sprinkling
I hate the way my body is built
I hate the eating guilt
Food is my nemisis for sure
So why do I consume until I’m impure

2 Packs of peeps from Easter Day
They were right in front of me what can I say
All 30 peeps comsumed in the span of 5 minutes
I was already feeling sick but I really hit it

I cursed myself and purged and cried
What was the purpose of eating those viles
I’m feeling heavy as is, I just made it worse
I’m almost as weighted as mothers purse

I don’t stop there, no that’s not where I end
The bunny laid out the fricking Carmel eggs
They’re all gone within a small timespan
My stomach is bulging but I’ll keep eating cuz I can

My mind is no longer there I’m in another dimension
My hands aren’t in control body is caved in
But with my eyes glazed over I shove the candy in my mouth
Because in my mind I say, “later we can get it out.”

But imagine the weight I could lose if I didn’t eat
And then still worked out anyways but I’m just too weak
Weak in the mind for that kind of discipline
I hate to not eat but I love to be thin

The binge was light but now it’s a heavy rain
I want to quit but binging is cocaine

© Waiteing

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