

My mind torments my very being.
The cognitive dissonance is threatening sanity.
Mind boggled am I, for definitive action eludes.
Why must I be faced with this decision making?
Not for my own benefit but my own undertaking.

Should an end to my rumination come about?
Or must I abide in this torment filled space?
Where comfort nor finality knows me not
And in the sea of my mind I fear drowning.
As a bobbing hand clutches at straws.

My awakening came as I gasped for air
Finally confronted am I, with the fate to trod.
Time to face the monster in the bed of my mind.
Decisions decisions, most definitely to be made.
Decisions so frightening but before me laid.

The closure came that surpassed me many hours.
To my conscious my subconscious spoke,
To it sang answers simple but unseen before
Saying, take up arms against procrastination
Take the risk and share your spoken words.
