

When Exam comes near
My mind blocks with fear
All the things I've done
Made me realise It was no fun
I regret the days I spent
Without studying & only outside o went

I wish i had studied more
So that i can get an excellent score
At last the day of exam came
Only thing left to do was to self blame
Many mistakes i made
From my mind many dates fade
I forget what i learned
This was the result of ignorance
Which i earned

I felt stupid and sad
And thought the teacher was bad
But later on i realised
Exam is not just about marks
Its about learning from the heart
Till now i was learning in dark
As learning is an unique art
Which is not limited to high scores
It does not matter marks are less or more
The important thing is to know
What you like
Whether its

Exam will come every year
Concept of chapters are needed to be cleard
Exams are not limited to scores
It gives life lesson tools
© Nandani Mishra