

When Democracy Dances...
Dance of democracy or supression?
Let us ask ourselves this question.
Voters turn out is nil in six nagaland states
Is Indian democracy still considered to be great?
Its ok to view general elections as a celebration,
But people who have been voting since ages and now their names from the voter's list are out on a vacation!
Where is this election commission dancing may i know?
Dumb spectator as it seems to be ,
Please answer and start to grow.
Lakhs of people took pledge to vote,
Still the voters turnout was less,
And dance of democracy is crying in corner as it just remains a quote.
People are not to be blamed,
We must try to understand the game.
When the voter has no information about the opposition,he is left without a choice,
Who will go out and vote?
Who is anyhow interested in one sided noise?
One sided noise of one ruling party,
People prefered to stay at home,
Rather enjoyed the holiday and kept themselves cool with lemonades salty.
I could not see democracy dancing anywhere,
Its rather disappointing as a citizen of India and i am in dispair.
Only those who are fully awake can see democracy lying in pieces...for those who are intoxicated by places of worship,simply don't care

© Haniya kaur