

Inspiration like no other
I long to write,
I seek inspiration,
But again,
Neither hide nor hair.
The pages are empty,
Emptier than a blanker's heart.
My pen awaits to write again,
Till the ink runs dry.
I walk down the streets of Ideas,
But they are empty and
Dry as a wooden god.

I search,
I'm in need for inspiration.
In this world I find nothing,
Null, zilch, void,
It's as dry as dust.
Right before I give up,
I catch a glimpse of fire,
An oasis, dead in the middle of a desert,
A shooting star in a midnight sky,
I see inspiration like no other.
Light showed at the end of the tunnel,
As writco proved me wrong,
there is still life on earth.

I walk down the streets of Writco,
I catch glimmer of a writer.
I'm inspired as she writes
And makes sense out of life.
Finally, my pen hits the pages,
I write again.
I'm inspired.

Inspired by @KalapishWasTaken

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