

Let it Be
If you find yourself at a crossroad, unsure of where each path leads,
Here are some words of wisdom, just let it be.
Because somewhere in the stillness of your soul, clarity shall bloom,
And with each step you take, remember to let kindness exhume.
For even in the darkest night, stars still brightly gleam,
Guiding you towards the light, like a timeless dream.
So embrace the uncertainty, and just let it be.
And in each choice a stroke, shaping your journey's chart.
Because there is wisdom of the head, and wisdom of the heart.
So with courage as your compass, and faith as your guide,
Navigate the unknown with grace, stride by stride.
Cause even in the darkest hour, hope's flame still burn bright,
illuminating the path ahead, with its gentle light.
So heed the whispers of your heart, and trust in the unseen,
For in every twist and turn, lies a lesson in-between.
Therefore, embrace the adventure, and let curiosity lead,
Then in the dance of destiny, just let it be.
For in the end, it's not the destination we seek,
But the kindness we've shared, making our souls unique.
Will you heed these words of wisdom, and just let it!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo