

Self Control
Upset, depressed, and emotionally wrecked.
Had to get myself together, so I put on a dress.
Gotta stay positive through all of this stress.
Keep myself uplifted, although my mind is a mess.

Life is a gift from God, he is the best.
It isn't easy but he has our back.
Live day by day as it is, along with the struggles that come with.

Only you, yourself can control your moods.
Nobody else can get you through.
People can help, yeah that's true.
But in the end, only you can decide what's best for you.

One thing I will say, this is a fact by the way.
SELF CONTROL is the biggest trait.
Self control keeps you sane.
It will also help you get through the days.

It isn't easy, I must say.
It's hard to control yourself most days.
With anger, sadness, stress, ect.
It's hard to control your intentions.

Day by day learning your own way.
How to control what you think, do, feel or say.
Controlling your mood in your own best way.
Self control is the best help, you just gotta learn to do so.
© Tsmallz