

dark minds 😔
I got a question for you all,
Why can we just learn to love ourselves and except us for who we really are,
Yeah I have crazy thoughts in my mind,
I've tried to run from them but I just can't hide,
Everywhere I go I see things I see places,
Ive got a question in my mind like why cant we escape this?.
I do not know you so many unfamiliar faces,
But I've got a devil and an angel trying to show me the way,
But it carries another question like can I make it to tomorrow or even the next day,
I've talked to so many theripists they didn't know what to say,
One of them said whoever made you feel this way, I hope you make them pay.
Yeah I have had my struggles and yeah I have had my ups and downs,
But at least I didn't bother counting all my smiles and frowns,
I hope the next one sitting on the throne will be me wearing the crown,
Because I will turn all the frowns upside down,
I need to show that life IS worth living until the end,
But yeah your going to have some thoughts that are going to drive you round the bend,
But they are not worth making your life end,
I am now 14 trying to live my life,
I've had good days and bad days I've even thought of suicide,
I didn't really want to die,
I tried a couple of times,
Now I'm moving forward no point in looking behind,
Just think of the good things dont look at the bad,
Keep moving forward, don't live in the past,
But everywhere I go I see things I see places,
I have got this question in my mind like why can't we escape this,
Mental health isn't a game,
And even if it was for people to play it would be such a shame,
Learn to love yourself,
Be aware of your health,
Don't kill yourself your not to blame.
I've been in Foster care since the age of 3,
I still have family that I don't get to see,
Ive got these voices in my mind they make me scream,
Everywhere I go I see things I see places I have a question I'm my mind like why can't we escape this?,
It feels like I am in a hole,
Like the grounds just opened up and swallowed me whole,
How do I return home safely I do not know.
Actually that's a good question where is my home?,
When I walk alone I don't know which way to go,
But the angel on my shoulder usually shows me where to go.
I just want to say to anyone who is suffering,
I hope you feel better as you live through each day,
Talk about your feelings don't hide them away,
Everywhere I go I see people I see places I have an awnser in my mind like...
Yes we can escape this.