

Take your hands off life
Don't sit and relax
Ignore your fear for strife
And don't prepare for attack

Get into the battle
At the hottest moments
Make the strongest warriors rattle
And snack on some doughnuts

But remember one thing
You need a force greater than a batallion
Just pray and His praises, sing
Then He shows up for you, stronger than a stallion

Hop on His shoulders
Watch Him fight your battles without lifting a finger
Seeing strong soldiers losing because of your songs and prayers
Then, you become bolder

Look back at the steps you took
And then look at the steps you take with God
The difference is very clear
Your steps with God are deeper and noticed without efforts

So fall in His hands
In front of your enemies, you shall flourish
So just take some bands
And with your faith,praises and prayers, admonish

© Queen Ova