

Nature's Twisted Fury
A drop of rain lands on my nose
I hear sirens
The inner fear increases
Along with touch of adrenaline
My stomach itself a vortex
I'm both excited and fearful
Nature is exploding
Straight from the sky
Different forces of wind, cold and heat
Collide together in unison
They begin to mix
I see the funnel descend
The emergency sound goes off
On my phone
And all I can do is stare
With fascination..
Someone grabs me and pulls me away
We ran into a building
The wind gets loud
Sounds like a train is getting closer
We're hunkered down in the hallway of the small store
I hear violence
I start to scream
Debris scattering all around
My heart pounds
The train noise at a maximum
Then the sound grows more distant
As the twister moves away
Then silence
We all walk outside
Everything is destroyed
Despite all that
I'm grateful to be alive

© Suzanne M Hall

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