

Blooming tale

In the garden, at my home,
Enters the magic spell of the spring bloom.
Songbirds evoked to sing their melody,
One can just imagine its picture-perfect beauty.

Humming flies and honeybees are here to swirl,
Encircling the buds that are about to unfurl.
Eyeing this; comes a sweet realisation,
The heart brims with utmost compassion.

Wrapped a bulb; in a velvety blanket- green,
Might be afraid, anxious or could be keen.
'I aspire to blossom into an eminent beauty,
But a doubt; could I be a perfect parody.'

A desire to imitate the outstanding rose,
Enlightening the surroundings; when glows.
A blushing essence, with delectable scent,
Irresistible one, looking; any beloved will assent.

Must you bloom, conveyed the inner me,
And, the world must be astounded with gee!!
But, why only the rose?
What's the parody you impose?
Do blossom into a tulip; with a golden glow,
Why hide the firm you? Just let yourself flow...