

Frozen Silence
I wished if I could stay there along with you
I wished if I could read
Your solitude...
Those words were lighter than the snow
Whenever you spoke...
The silence you cloaked is frozen
You are a talisman or an enigma
I feel
I read
I reread
I trace
I indulge in a long discourse
With myself about you...
Days are books you wrote
With your riddles
I failed to solve
Still I resolve
Unbeaten mind dares revolve
Around you and your piercing
No sword had even the mightiest ruler
Hurled as powerful as your silence
It slays me gradually
I bleed and it remains blameless...
Silence is no philosopher
Who could question the running Time
If it is not yet broken
Words will never be free...
Words that could save lives
Words that could save honour
Words that could instill love
Words that could restore peace...
Speak...your voice is free
It is only chained with your fear
To be or not to be...
Speak Key sera sera...
Silence hurts ...Speak up
Unzip your sealed lips...
Show me the depth
I failed to measure...

Shraddha S Sahu
© Shraddha S Sahu